Blog 11 - Organic Agriculture
Blog 11 - Organic Agriculture What are the problems when moving from conventional to organic practices? The most occurring problems when cultivating organic pecan is found in weed and pest management. Weeds will limit growth, for the trees will have to compete with the weeds. But perhaps most harmful will be plant diseases. The most common pecan diseases are caused by fungal pathogens, such as scab, so control is of upmost importance. (Texas A&M Agrilife Extension, n.d.) Aphids and weevil control is also an important factor to keep in mind. (Mizell, 2015) . It takes 3 years of transformation to be able to get an organic certification. if one plants new trees it can take 10 years before the trees will bear nuts. (Mizell, 2015) . Therefore, disease-resistant varieties have to be chosen. Also, a lot of organically approved substances are used to control the fungi and insects. The University of Florida has done research on organic production by R. F. Mizell. This publicati...